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3.3 Children at Meeting for Worship


This article is from the The Religious Society of Friends FAQ, by Marc Mengel mengel.nospam@users.sourceforge.net with numerous contributions by others.

3.3 Children at Meeting for Worship

Many visitors to meeting, especially those to unprogrammed or
silent meetings, worry a lot about their children and whether
the children are being quiet enough. They should relax :-).
While it would be appropriate to take your child out of meeting
if the child is screaming or being noisy for long periods, the
occasional noises of small children are generally welcomed.
Some paper and crayons, or a book to read for older children is
often helpful, too.

Most children, especially those of visitors, have a tough time
sitting silently for a full hour. Fortunately most Meetings have
some sort of "First Day School" or "Sunday school" for children.
If you see an adult rising after the start of Meeting and all the
children filing out, they're probably headed for the First Day

Friends are generally quite tolerant of babies and their
noises. It should be considered normal at most unprogrammed
meetings to breast feed babies during meeting.


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