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Scouting: Skits p4


This article is from the Scouting FAQ, by Bill Nelson nelsonb@nospam.aztec.asu.edu, Soaring Golden Eagle eagle@rangernet.org and Alan Houser troop24@emf.net with numerous contributions by others.

Scouting: Skits p4

Contagious Disease Ward: The scene takes place in the waiting room of a
doctor of contagious and communicable diseases, Dr. Ringworm, M.D.,
l.s.d., v.i.p., l.c.b. Have four chairs and a stand for magazines or
books. In walks a fellow (a) with an itch which he scratches
periodically in different places. He grabs a magazine and attempts to
read but is disturbs periodically by his itch. After a while , a second
fellow (B) comes in with a serious hand twitch. B sits next to A. B
gradually starts to scratch with the itch, while A's hand starts to
twitch. When it has been well established that they have contracted each
others' disease, a third person enters with a serious leg twitch. Pretty
soon all three have the hand twitch, leg twitch, and itch all over. a
fourth guy comes in bouncing all over the place and shaking every muscle
in his body. The actions of the four guys become more frantic and are
bouncing around in their chairs. Then a boy dressed like a pregnant lady
strolls in casually and the other four scramble for their lives. If
possible or desired have some jazz music playing in the background for
the scouts with the diseases to keep the beat to.

Court Case: Second person walks in with a suitcase. First person already
on stage asks where he is going and the first person's reply is that he
is going to court. A little while later he comes in with the case and
also a ladder. This time he says that he taking his case to a higher

Court Scene: Guy brought in - "I'm Innocent! I was just picking up
pebbles on the beach!" Two or more with similar stories. Last person
comes on stage either dressed like a guy dressed like a girl or a girl,
saying, "Hi, I'm Pebbles", in an alluring manner.

Crazy Charlie: The scene is set up so that Crazy Charlie is portrayed as
being in a mental institution. It's dinner time and before he can ask
for anyone to pass the meat, someone calls out 37 and the room bursts
into laughter. Moments later 57 is called out and more laughter results.
Crazy Charlie asks the guy next to him what is going on. He is told that
everyone knows each others jokes so well that they have numbered the

After a while Charlie decides to give it a trial and call 52, but no one
laughs; there is complete silence. Charlie asks his friend what is wrong.
He friend tells him not to worry that there isn't anything wrong, some
people can tell jokes and some people can't.

Dancing Knee Dolls: Paint faces on the knees of the performers. Use
dresses (or pants and shirt) to dress the legs as dolls with the arms
bulging out. The clothes can be made out of crepe paper, cloth, or real
clothing. Cover the upper legs and body with a sheet. Direct a
flashlight (spot) onto each knee.


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