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17 Cabal's teeth in the international power flow


This article is from the Prophecies of Nostradamus FAQ, by nanomius@netcom.com.

17 Cabal's teeth in the international power flow

Ip. 265 (cII-58)

During the time of the Antichrist a secretive, conspirational cabal
are "pulling the strings" behind the scenes to manipulate world
politics and economies for personal gain. These master puppeteers
operate figureheads in many countries, governments, and the major
world capitals. They are united but are very clever in disguising
their influence. They hold positions that appear to be relatively
minor, like advisors and under-secretaries and such, but are key
positions ofr their power.

In the daytime they appear to be good, loyal, model citizens working
for the same goals their governments are supposedly working for, but
behind the scenes they band together and pool their information and
contacts to work for their own ends. They do not appear to have any
political power but they really have a firm grip on world affairs,
like sharp teeth sunk into everything.

This secret organization has been in existence for several
generations. Their existence is hinted in the family histories of the
banking powers and money centers of the world. Only the families
involved are aware. The cabal of leaders has been very slowly but
surely building up a worldwide network of power, because they want to
take over but stay behind the scenes.

At first when the Antichrist comes along the leaders of the Cabal
regard him as a new, dynamic, youthful leader from the Middle East
they can use to unite the area and reign it into their realm of
control. But the Antichrist ends up turning the tables on them.


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