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05 Nostradamus: "Simultaneous Time"


This article is from the Prophecies of Nostradamus FAQ, by nanomius@netcom.com.

05 Nostradamus: "Simultaneous Time"

"Simultaneous time" is a difficult concept that refers to the illusion
of earthly time seen from higher spiritual planes. Between lives, the
soul has the capability to review lifetimes free of the constraints
of time. This state of consciousness is also achieved in
hypnoregression subjects who are highly "sonambulistic", i.e.
conducive to deep trance states. They can review not only past
lifetimes but future ones. But beyond this, it is as if they are
actually living them at the moment they describe them. So, for
example, the student of Nostradamus that D.Cannon regressed would
see herself and Nostradamus as actually living, and Nostradamus would
be communicating directly from his own time to ours as a living
person. D.Cannon describes this subject in ch.2 of II.


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