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03 - Tom Holt Novels p2


This article is from the Tom Holt FAQ, by Nick Boalch n.g.boalch@durham.ac.uk with numerous contributions by others.

03 - Tom Holt Novels p2

"Flying Dutch" (1991)
ISBN 0-356-20111-2 (pb)
ISBN 1-857-23017-5 (hb) (out of print)

It's amazing the problems drinking can get you into. One little swig from
the wrong bottle and you go from being an ordinary Dutch sea-captain to
an unhappy immortal, drifting around the world with your similarly
immortal crew, suffering from peculiary whiffy side effects. Worst of
all, Richard Wagner writes an opera about you.

Little does Cornelius Vanderdecker, the Flying Dutchman, suspect that a
chance encounter in an English pub might just lead to the end of his
cursed life, one way or another...

"Ye Gods!" (1992)
ISBN 1-857-23016-7 (hb)
ISBN 1-857-23080-9 (pb)

Being a hero bothers Jason Derry.

It's easy to get maladjusted when your mum's a suburban housewife and
your dad's the Supreme Being. It can be a real drag slaying fabulous
monsters and retrieving golden fleeces from fire-spitting dragons, and
then having to tidy your room before your mum'll let you watch "Star

But it's not the relentless tedium of imperishable glory that finally
brings Jason to the end of his rope; it's something so funny that it's
got to be taken seriously. Deadly seriously...

"Overtime" (1993)
ISBN 1-857-23039-6 (hb)
ISBN 1-857-23126-0 (pb)

Only in a Tom Holt novel can you discover the relationship between the
Inland Revenue, the Second Crusade and God's great plan to build starter
planets for first time life forms...

It all started for Guy Goodlet somewhere over Caen. One moment he was
heading for the relative safety of the coast, aware that fuel was low and
the Mosquito had more than a few bullet holes in it. The next, his
co-pilot was asking to be dropped off. This would have been odd if Peter
had still been alive. Since he was dead, it was downright worrying.

But not quite as worrying as when Guy found himself somewhere in the High
Middle Ages - rather than in 1943 - in the company of one John de Nesle.
Unsurprisingly, Guy's first thought was to get out and home sharpish. But
then he saw John's sister, Isoud, and somehow found himself agreeing to
help John, also known as Blondel, in his quest to find Richard Coeur de


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