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5] Spoilers (alt.books.terry-brooks)


This article is from the Terry Brooks FAQ, by Imran ImranG@btinternet.com with numerous contributions by others.

5] Spoilers (alt.books.terry-brooks)

Spoilers are defined as follows: Any major piece of information regarding
events, characters or items beyond naming, vague references or indications,
should be regarded a s a spoiler. E.g., It's perfectly okay to say something
like "When Allanon was at the Hadeshorn in Shannara, was he wearing his cloak
inside out or not?" as it doesn't give anything about the story away. Also,
because it's pretty irrelevant, but you get what I'm saying :-) However,
something like "When Bremen turns Brona into a fluffy bunny rabbit, exterminates
the troll nation and makes Walker Boh become President of the USA, why does he
persist in using the Ildatch to hit Par Ohmsford?" should be marked as a
spoiler. Note that the events in this question do not happen in any of the

To mark a post as containing a spoiler, write it as follows:

[<book>: SPOIL] <subject>

Where <book> is the book and <subject> the subject. No, really.

For the book name either use the important word from the title(such as Sword or

Another system which is used is using CAPITALS for important words and
small letters of unimportant words, eg. Running with the Demon would
become RwtD and First King would become FKoS.

The post should have 25 lines of spoiler space, preferably with printed
characters, as some readers remove blank lines, eg.


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