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1.2 How should I write Greek and Latin on the newsgroup? (humanities.classics)


This article is from the Classical Studies FAQ, by Richard M. Alderson III alderson@netcom2.netcom.com with numerous contributions by others.

1.2 How should I write Greek and Latin on the newsgroup? (humanities.classics)

For long vowels, mark length with a colon ":" following the vowel. This
applies to both languages.

In Greek, the accents should be represented by ' (acute) ` (grave) ~ (circum-
flex) following the vowel in question. Since the circumflex can only fall on a
*long* vowel or a diphthong, the colon marking vowel length can be considered
optional with the circumflex.

The Greek alphabet should be transcribed as

a b g d e z E: th i k l m n o ks p r s t u ph ps kh O:

with the additional long vowels a: i: u: e: o: (though the latter two may be
written, as is traditional, ei and ou).

Latin may be written using i and u for both the vowel and the consonant sounds,
or the doublets i/j and u/v respectively. Many people prefer to use i for
both, but u/v rather than just u (or v).


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