
previous page: 3k.10 What groups at risk are be included in a recommendation to receive hepatitis A vaccination?
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3k.11 Is it possible that hepatitis A vaccine (like hepatitis B vaccine) might eventually be recommended for routine administration to children and adults?


This article is from the Childhood Vaccinations FAQ, by Lynn Gazis-Sax lynng@alsirat.com with numerous contributions by others.

3k.11 Is it possible that hepatitis A vaccine (like hepatitis B vaccine) might eventually be recommended for routine administration to children and adults?

Those in public health say that control of hepatitis A infection will
be facilitated by the development of vaccines that combine hepatitis A
with other routine childhood immunizations. The CDC's draft statement
notes the important role of children in hepatitis A transmission, and
that "it is likely that routine childhood vaccination will be the only
way to significantly decrease hepatitis A rates in the U.S."


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page up: Childhood Vaccinations FAQ
next page: 3l.1 What is rotavirus, and what are the risks of the disease?