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49 Puppy Strangles


This article is from the Canine Medical Information FAQ, by Cindy Tittle Moore with numerous contributions by others.

49 Puppy Strangles

Puppy strangles occurs in puppies 4-16 weeks of age. It is a juvenile
cellulitis of the face, ears, and lymph nodes. Affected puppies may
have a fevero, be lethargic and not eat. The cause is _unknown_. An
heritable immune dysfunction is _suspected_. CBC and biochemistry
tests are normal in uncomplicated cases. Bacterial cultures of lesions
are negative except with secondary infection. Biopsy results are
multiple granulomas and pyogranulomas consisting of large epitheloid
macrophages and neutrophils. Agressive therapy is indicated to prevent
severe scarring of the face. Standard medications are usually steroids
and antibiotics for secondary infections.


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